Dice Control Videos

  1. Great advice from the 8th ranked gambler of all time on how to practice dice control, including why regular practice increases muscle memory.
  2. The first one, promoted by Frank Scoblete and Golden Touch Craps, says that if the dice are set properly, thrown on axis with synchronicity, and don't hit the pyramid-studded back wall (or at most just 'kiss' it lightly with a dead-cat bounce), it is possible to exert a sufficient degree of control of the dice to achieve a positive ev.

Manipulating the roll of the dice (Dice Control or Dice Setting) is one of the most common methods for cheating in Craps. Holding the dice in a particular grip or throwing it in a certain manner lets players can gain a crucial edge over the house and other players at the table.

In terms of legality, Dice control in Craps is like card counting in Blackjack. It is not illegal but the casino goes through an assortment of methods to stop it.

THE DICE SETS On this video the Dice Coach shows you the basic sets that he teaches to new students. He also covers the importance of being able to set the dice quickly and how to do this. Play video: 8:16: THE BASIC DICE GRIPS On this video the Dice Coach shows you the basic dice grips and how to achieve a consistent grip on the dice. The game of craps is slowly taking over as the number one table game in the casino. The super system includes an autographed copy of Platinum craps and Dice Setting book, along with the dice setting DVD or Flash Drive and five plastic dice setting strategy cards. The dice setting strategy cards fit easily into your pocket, wallet, or in the.

For instance, the dice will be changed after each round, and you cannot touch the dice with two hands (to prevent dice switching). Furthermore, each roll must hit the back of the table to ensure randomness.

None the less, some people argue dice control is a matter of skill and is part of the game. For instance, in cricket the bowler has developed a refined method for throwing balls, the same is true for darts, so why not Craps?

There are a number of methods or systems for dice control that can affect the outcome of the game. Remember that when someone who has mastered the art of Dice Control it doesn’t mean that they can throw any number they choose first time.

However, in the long term they will be able to produce certain outcomes and swing the odds in their favour. For example, an ability to throw Snake Eyes (1,1) pays out 30:1. If you can roll enough times to remove the house edge (true odds of Snake Eyes is 35:1) then you will make profit over hundreds of rolls.

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Grip and Handling The Dice

Dice Grip is how you hold the dice in your hands. It involves wrapping certain fingers around the dice and letting go at specific times to create a consistent “release” of the dice.

Dice Stacking is which direction the dice is facing in your hands i.e. 6 facing upwards or 2 point downwards. You adjust the dice’s position based on which numbers you want to roll.

When you throw the dice, you want to release them simultaneously so that they roll in synchronization. Experts recommend minimizing contact with the dice because the “stickiness” and “friction” of your fingers alters the flow. When you minimize this, the dice will roll more naturally.

You also need to put equal pressure on each dice and hold them together before they roll.

Alignment of The Dice

You need to position the dice level with the table and parallel to the sides. It takes practice, but to ensure you’re doing it right you can lower the dice to the table to check they’re position. The best landing is when the dice’s bottom touches the table flat-on. This avoids the dice’s corner hitting the table on impact.

Delivering and Throwing The Dice

How you should throw the dice is simple in theory. You’re looking to throw the dice straight down the centre of the table and with the same “spin” along the x-axis.

You have to throw the dice as straight as possible. Players find getting this part right the most difficult because their shoulders and body position have to be aligned correctly.

It is very similar to golf, if you’re position is off the ball will not travel in a straight line.

Aim to stop your thumb touching the ball. This is the most common reason for balls “splitting” into different directions. The less your thumb touches the ball the more control you have.

Finally, the most advanced Dice Throwers can use “Back Spin”. This counters the bounce of the dice against the wall at the end of the table (the velvet triangles). The dice are thrown with back spin along the same x-axis.

Conclusion on Manipulating Dice in Craps

Years ago, even the most basic players could manipulate the dice to improve their chances of making money in Craps. However, recent rules by casinos for Craps that the shooter must throw the dice to hit the back of the table has reduced the effectiveness of dice manipulation.

Along with this, the evidence for dice setting working is very sketchy. Although dice setting works in theory, it actually takes long term results to see the benefits. The downsides the dice manipulation includes re-rolls and being thrown out of a casino.

Dice control videos

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Cut to the chase.
Ahigh's so-called research is meaningless, completely worthless, because he has been unable to have a bonafide precision shooter step up to the plate and toss em in from center field.
No, it is just him and some wannabes, all of whom demonstrate ... are you ready ... randomness.
Really, if I want to watch random rollers I'll just watch a game of craps, anywhere, any time.
Find your Bigfoot ... insert your probes ... tape it ... then discuss.
Otherwise, what's the point?

Ok, I'll probably regret it but I'll bite.
I have a friend who is an honorable man and fearless. An avid hunter, knows the difference between a mule deer and a racoon. While on a hunting foray and well armed he swears to this day he came face to face with a sasquatch. He tore himself up quite a bit escaping.
I was raised in the NW. The indians gathered in one place from hundreds of miles for the summer competitions, the race tracks are still worn into the ground.
Interestingly, dice have been found in the old campgrounds [no not the plastic ones]. Some of the elders who couldn't even speak english when asked about the existence of sasquatch were incredulous that the white people would ask such a question.
That's been the problem with people . If shown a bigfoot they'd want to kill it and disect it and put it on display. No balance with the earth.
Why you hating on the easter bunny? I've found many eggs and enjoy the hunts immensely.
I disagree with your opinion that the Ahigh show is worthless or meaningless. I liked the show a lot. Well, the alpha predator's succeeded and the show is gone. On to the next victim. This site is like Guantanamo for anyone interested in the topic of di. Complete with torturing the innocent.
I've watched Ahigh shoot and he has a real good shot. He has the physical skill already to do what is possible. The hurdle for anyone is mental.

Well, when you do get some more time we can never get enough of watching random rolls on video

Not bloody likely.
Your in vegas correct..... you have to have seen people that have a good throw. I have seen the good throws
from instructors in class, they are all good. i have had nights where my throw was very good, i have been
asked to stop throwing like that in several casino's. Yet at the same time i have to confuss i cant do it at will.Sometimes
i get to a table and i am awful, particularly if i am at a longer table or a higher table than i am used to.
Some said on this thread, maybe it was you that there is very little difference between some that is very lucky
and someone that is skilled. That is 100% right in terms of outcome. BUt you cant honestly say that a throw that hits one end
of the table and bounces all the way back, or someone that throws every other throw off the table and still has a good
roll is the same.
If a DI had an advantage over a random thrower of 10%, most craps players would say that is something else, and that
would give you a large advantage over the table on the 6 & 8. Yet if you were trying to prove that, or see that it would
only be a change from 2.75 6 & 8 ( in combination) to 3.02 per 10 rolls or 10 out of 36 rolls compared to 11 for the DI.
If you were another player and saw a Di throw, you would never notice that, you would not think the guy was any better
than anyone else. Yet, If you played alot and bet the 6 & 8 and had that 10% advantage it would mean alot.
Again we are hung up on dice control.....doing something anytime you want, and dice influence where a throw done over
and over is going to be good enough on a certain number of throws to give you that advantage. If your a golfer
and you hit a number of poor shots, yet still you manage to hit a real good shot on every hole, your score would be
better than what your poor shots would tend to indicate. Same here.
Something else you dont talk about is the almost perfect roll, the 4/3 or 3/4 using the hardways set. You could see a Di
thowing and get a 4-4. 5-3 3-4 out..... or a 4-3 out, and a 5-4 5-4 4-2 4/3 out and the average person would think that
guy is terrible, yet he just threw 9 almost perfect on axis throws in a row.
I think you need to be a little more fair and honest when judging what DI is and what it is not.
The RAA proof for dice control is actually very simple.
It's absurd to think that it is impossible to overcome the house edge on a 1000x table.
The end. It's proven!!!
All you guys are wasting your time arguing that it's impossible.
Pure randomness is a fictional concept when it comes to dice.
Knowing the bias and exploiting it is a certainty once the edge become sufficiently small and the knowledge becomes sufficient large.
I think you members talking about BigFoot or the Easter Bunny as your foundation of knowledge by analogy are on public display as small-minded.
Trying to convince people that if dice control were possible all hell would break loose merely demonstrates you don't even understand the conversation in the first place.
Ahigh I will ask again why not find a way to verify and document your casino rolls since that's the real proof.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪

It's a tiny hurdle is one point that hopefully we can all agree on.
So tiny, in fact, that good luck often leads people to believe they have an edge they don't have. Because it doesn't take much good luck to win in this game with such a low overall house edge.

Therein lies the problem. It is very easy to get lucky playing dice. As a result, it is very difficult to demonstrate that one's results are due to skill at dice control rather than luck and random chance.
In fact, the small magnitude of the required control is one of the strongest points against it being a practical advantage play. If it's such a 'tiny hurdle,' and there are so many people trying to overcome it, it is notable that according to industry game protection experts, maybe three people can do it.
'In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice.' -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563

In fact, the small magnitude of the required control is one of the strongest points against it being a practical advantage play. If it's such a 'tiny hurdle,' and there are so many people trying to overcome it, it is notable that according to industry game protection experts, maybe three people can do it.

Golden touch dice control revolutionI disagree that the tiny magnitude is a point against it. I fail to follow your evidence that the smaller the hurdle the less likely it is possible.
Either a smaller hurdle makes it MORE likely or LESS likely. Which is it you are suggesting just so we can be clear?
Game protection experts are more concerned with overall earnings than they are with preventing someone from making a profit in the long term due to skill.

Dice Control Craps Vimeo Videos

Game protection experts are not advantage play craps experts.
Game protection experts are looking at overall revenues not at the difference between lucky guy and another guy who might not be lucky.
It's a straw man argument that if AP play is possible the game would not make money.
The casinos are FULL of people making all kinds of stupid bets on those felts. Plenty enough to facilitate AP under the radar.
That argument holds no water.
it took was a compliment, a pessimist, and Response to bring this whole topic back up... Can we please go to the next topic? 20+ pages going nowhere fast.
'I'm a DO'er and you my friend, are a Don'ter' -Mark Walberg pain and Gain
it can be proven over a large sample. stating that this cant happen or wont happens means that it most likely wont happen, therefore it can't be proven.
when a DC/DI wins its skill
when they lose its unlucky
if they have any edge at all its so small that it cant even be measured in a given session or 10 sessions. it has to be done over thousands and thousands of rolls. of course there will be two sides to this argument and you have the side that believes and the side who thinks its total horse.
i have stated this is many posts. get the best dice controller their is (pay him if needs be) and set him vs 10 random people and throw thousands of rolls. The more rolls the better as variance will even out. he should in long run be at the top of anyone in the trial.

The RAA proof for dice control is actually very simple.
It's absurd to think that it is impossible to overcome the house edge on a 1000x table.
The end. It's proven!!!
All you guys are wasting your time arguing that it's impossible.
Pure randomness is a fictional concept when it comes to dice.
Knowing the bias and exploiting it is a certainty once the edge become sufficiently small and the knowledge becomes sufficient large.
I think you members talking about BigFoot or the Easter Bunny as your foundation of knowledge by analogy are on public display as small-minded.
Trying to convince people that if dice control were possible all hell would break loose merely demonstrates you don't even understand the conversation in the first place.

Tony leo newest dice control videosAhigh, as you've used member's, plural I assume you are also referring to me. There are millions of people that believe in both of those. I'll go on record here as saying there is no Easter bunny. You may be correct in that anyone who would dare bring up publicly an alternative belief is small minded, but I got to say man shame on you for going on the attack like that.
So many people are talking at each other and not to each other.Youtube

Dice Setting Chart

People have wanted to help you and your so hard headed you refuse it till your choking. I hope you don't let them turn you into one of them, there are too many in the world aready.
Small minded, I don't get that response from actually anyone but you. Is it my lack of communication skills, or your refusal to listen?
I hope what ever is causing your stress subsides and you can get back to the good old Ahigh we all know.
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